Looking Forward to 2023 and Beyond!

If the year were a S that had fallen on its side, the winter solstice is the valley, while the summer solstice is the mountain top. By the time the winter solstice rolls around, most of the year's crops have been brought in and the farming year is over. It is cold outside and there is less light to work with. So, we take the opportunity to rest, read, stretch, catch up with dear friends, do puzzles, play board games and dream about the future. The hard knocks we took over the past year, we try to see those as learning opportunities and vow not to make the same mistakes again. The good times we remember with fondness and vow to have more in the future. It doesn't matter how difficult the challenges or how awesome the good times, we know that we will try to do better next year. This natural rhythm is sacred to us, and we feel blessed to be alive and share this with others. We see a bright future for Fresh To Morrow (F2M) and for the Village ...