Gratitude in Localism
Around this time of year we all (ourselves included) begin to look back and all around us and wonder about all of the many things to be thankful for. And rightfully so! In our lives we look at our full walk-in cooler, our garage full of winter squash, and many freezers full of the 2023 local harvest! For farmers it is especially strong a feeling as we put many hours of planning, starting seeds, and hoeing, long before the harvest. What we put into the process is trust and faith that if we put in the work like we have done so many times before there will be at least something to harvest at the end. Thank God and for around 15 years in a row we have been able to go into the winter absolutely bursting at the seams with food and ready to SHARE! Most of the vegetables and berries we grow at our farm, but the beef and pork are locally sourced. The other produce that we source locally is a wonderful feeling for us. We know that we can have access...